西安交通大学学士、硕士,香港大学博士、美国哈佛大学博士。现任南京航空航天大学教授、多功能轻量化材料与结构工信部重点实验室创始主任、航空航天结构力学及控制全国重点实验室学术带头人、多功能材料与结构教育部重点实验室创始主任。国家特聘专家、享受国务院政府特殊津贴专家、国家杰青、国家百千万人才,兼任国际理论与应用力学联盟(IUTAM)理事、美国医学与生物工程院(AIMBE)会士、中国力学学会常务理事,曾任剑桥大学材料工程终身讲席教授、西安交通大学副校长、中国力学学会副理事长、教育部科技委数理学部副主任。任钱伟长创办的《应用数学和力学》主编,曾任中国力学学会旗舰期刊 Acta Mechanica Sinica 主编、Int J App Mech 共同创始主编、Int J Mech Sci 顾问编委、Int J Solids Struc 顾问编委。立足力学,交叉融合机械、材料、生物医学等学科,长期致力于结构多功能轻量化设计、生物力-热-电生理耦合学的基础和应用研究,连续2个973项目首席科学家和连续3个高等学校学科创新引智计划(111)负责人。建立超轻多孔结构力-热-声理论体系,修正Biot多孔弹性理论,解决了长期未决的多孔固液界面效应国际力学难题,成果入选“江苏省基础研究领域十大科学进展”,被用于解决高超声速飞行器、航母、空间站等对结构多功能轻量化设计要求极高的重点型号工程急需。出版中英文专著12部,发表600余篇国内外期刊论文,包括5篇Nature和Science子刊论文;Google引用39000余次(H因子95);获授权发明专利100余件。获国家自然科学二等奖1项(排1)、省部级教学成果特等奖1项和省部级科学技术一等奖2项(均排1),获中国青年科学家奖、中国青年科技奖、徐芝纶力学奖,多次入选全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单之“终身科学影响力排行榜”及爱斯维尔“中国高被引学者”。治学严谨,为人师表,培养了包括英国皇家工程院院士(1人),国家杰青(2人),国家重大人才工程 A、B类项目入选者(10人)等在内的百余名优秀研究生,获南航教学创新一等奖、研究生导师教书育人奖等,被南航全校研究生评为 “我最喜爱的导师”。
1. Xu, F., T. Wen, Lu, T.J. & K.A. Seffen, “Biothermomechanics of skin tissues”, J. Mech. Phys. Solids 56, 1852-1884, 2008.
2. Xu, F., Lu, T.J. & K.A. Seffen, “Biothermomechanical behavior of skin tissue” (Invited contribution), Acta Mechanica Sinica, 24(1), 1-23, 2008. (Top 10 most downloaded AMS articles of all time).
3. Xu, F., T. Wen, K.A. Seffen & Lu, T.J., “Non-Fourier analysis of skin thermomechanics”, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 51, 2237-2259, 2008.
4. Xu, F., Lu, T.J., K.A. Seffen & E.Y.K. Ng, “Bioheat transfer of skin tissue”, Applied Mechanics Review, 62(5), 050801, 2009.
5. Lin, M., Xu, F., Lu, T.J. & Bai, B.F., “A review of heat transfer in human tooth - experimental characterization and mathematical modeling”, Dental Mater., 26(6), 501-513, 2010. (ScienceDirect TOP25 Hottest Articles, 2010)
6. Lin, M., Luo, Z.Y., Xu, F., Bai, B.F. & Lu, T.J., “Analysis of thermal-induced dentinal fluid flow and its implications in dental thermal pain”, Achieve of Oral Biology 56(9): 846-854, 2011.
7. Guo, Y.Q., Xu, F., Lu, T.J., Duan, Z.F. & Zhang, Z., “Interleukin-6 signaling pathway in targeted therapy for cancer”, Cancer Treatment Reviews (IF 6.8) 38(7), 904-910, 2012. (ESI高被引论文)
8. Lin, M., Zhao, Y., Wang, S.Q., Liu, M., Duan Z.F., Chen, Y.M., Xu, F. & Lu, T.J., “Recent advances in synthesis and surface modification of lanthanide-doped upconversion nanoparticles for biomedical applications”, Biotechology Advances (IF = 9.6) 30(6), 1551-1561, 2012. (ESI高被引论文)
9. Li, Y.H., Huang, G.Y., Zhang, X.H., Li, B.Q., Chen, Y.M., Lu, T.L., Lu, T.J. & Xu, F., “Magnetic hydrogels and their potential biomedical applications”, Advanced Functional Mater. (IF 10.179) 23(6), 660-672, 2013. ESI高被引论文
10. Han, Y.L., Wang, W.Q., Hu, J., Huang, G.Y., Wang, S.Q., Lee, W.G., Lu, T.J. & Xu, F., “Benchtop fabrication of three-dimensional reconfigurable microfluidic devices from paper/polymer composite”, Lab on a Chip (IF 5.697) 13(24), 4745-4749, 2013.
11. Hu, J., Wang, L., Li, F., Han, Y.L., Lin, M., Lu, T.J. & Xu, F., “Oligonucleotide-linked gold nanoparticle aggregates for enhanced sensitivity in lateral flow assays”, Lab on a Chip (IF 5.697) 13(22), 4352-4357, 2013.
12. Hu, J., Wang, S.Q., Wang, L., Li, F., Lu, T.J. & Xu, F., “Advances in paper-based point-of-care diagnostics”, Biosensors and Bioelectronics (一区,IF 5.437) 54, 585-597, 2014 (2014年中国百篇最具影响国际学术论文) (ESI高被引论文)
13. Li, Y.H., Huang, G.Y., Zhang, X.H., Du, Y.N., Lu, T.J. & Xu, F., “Engineering cell alignment in vitro”, Biotechnology Advances (IF 9.599) 32(2), 347-365, 2014.
14. Lin, M., Genin, G., Xu, F. & Lu, T.J., “Thermal pain in theeth: electrophysiology governed by thermomechanics”, Appl. Mech. Rev. 66(3), 030801, 2014.
15. Han, Y.L., Wang, S.Q., Zhang, X.H., Li, Y.H., Huang, G.Y., Qi, H., Lu, T.J. & Xu, F., “Engineering physical microenvironment for stem cell based regenerative medicine”, Drug Discovery Today (IF 6.55) 19(6), 763-773, 2014.
16. Lin, M., Zhao, Y., Liu, M., Qiu, M.S., Dong, Y.Q., Duan, Z.F., Li, Y.H., Pingguan-Murphy, B., Lu, T.J. & Xu, F., “Synthesis of upconversion NaYF4:Yb3+,Er3+ particles with enhanced luminescent intensity through control of morphology and phase”, J. Mater. Chem. C 2(19), 3671-3676, 2014. (Front cover article)
17. Feng, A.L., You, M.L., Tian, L.M., Singamaneni, S., Liu, M., Duan, Z.F., Lu, T.J., Xu, F. & Lin, M., “Distance-dependent plasmon-enhanced fluorescence of upconversion nanoparticles using polyelectrolyte multilayers as tunable spacers”, Scientific Reports (IF 5.078) 5, 7779, 2015. (ESI高被引论文)
18. Wang, L., Li, Y.H., Chen, B., Liu, S.B., Li, M.X., Zheng, L., Wang, P.F., Lu, T.J. & Xu, F., “Patterning cellular alignment through stretching hydrogels with programmable strain gradients”, ACS Appl. Mater. & Interfaces (IF 5.90) 7(27), 15088-15097, 2015.
19. Wang, L., Qiu, M.S., Yang, Q.Z., Li, Y.H., Huang, G.Y., Lin, M., Lu, T.J. & Xu, F., “Fabrication of microscale hydrogels with tailored microstructures based on liquid bridge phenomenon", ACS Appl. Mater. Interfacses (front cover article) 7(21), 11134-11140, 2015.
20. Zhao, H.X., Zhang, X.H., Lu, T.J. & Xu, F., “Recent advances in electrospun nanofibrous scaffolds for cardiac tissue engineering”, Adv. Funct. Mater. (IF=11.805) 25(36), 5726-5738, 2015.
21. Li, Y.H., Poon, C.T., Li, M.X., Lu, T.J., Pingguan-Murphy, B. & Xu, F., “Chinese noodle inspired muscle myofiber regeneration”, Adv. Funct. Mater. (IF=11.805) 25(37), 5999-6008, 2015.
22. Lin, M., Gao, Y., Hornicek, F., Xu, F., Lu, T.J., Amiji M. & Duan, Z.F., “Near-infrared light activated delivery platform for cancer therapy”, Advances in Colloid and Interface Science (IF 7.77) 226, 123-137, 2015.
23. Wang, L., Li, Y.H., Huang, G.Y., Zhang, X.H., Pingguan-Murphy, B., Lu, T.J. & Xu, F., “Hydrogel-based methods for engineering cellular microenvironment with spatiotemporal gradients", Critical Reviews in Biotechnology (IF 5.1) 36(3), 553-565, 2016.
24. Hu, J., Cui, X.Y., Gong, Y., Xu, X.Y., Gao, B., Wen, T., Lu, T.J. & Xu, F., “Portable microfluidic and smartphone-based devices for monitoring of cardiovascular diseases at the point of care”, Biotechnology Advances (IF 9.015) 34(3), 305-320, 2016.
25. Cagang, A., Abidi, I., Tyagi, A., Hu, B., Feng Xu, Lu, T.J. & Luo, Z.T., “Graphene-based field effect transistor in two-dimensional paper networks”, Analytica Chimica Acta 917, 101-106, 2016.
26. Li, Y.H., Huang, G.Y., Li, M.X., Genin, G.M., Lu, T.J. & Xu, F., “Magnetically-actuated cell-laden microscale hydrogels for probing strain-induced cell responses in three dimensions”, NPG Asia Materials (IF 10.118), 2016, in press.
27. Zhou, L.H., Liu, S.B., Wang, P.F., Lu, T.J., Xu, F., Genin, G., Lu, T.J. & Pickard, P.G., “The arabidopsis trichome is an active mechanosensory switch”, Plant Cell & Environment (IF 6.960), 2016, in press.
28. Chen, C., Lu, T.J. & Fleck, N.A., '‘Effect of imperfections on the yielding of two-dimensional foams’, J. Mech. Phys. Solids 47, 2235-2272, 1999.
29. Chen, C. & Lu, T.J., 'A phenomenological framework of constitutive modelling for incompressible and compressible elasto-plastic solids', Int. J. Solids Struc. 37, 7769-7786, 2000.
30. Chen, Y.-H. & Lu, T.J., "Recent developments in invariant integrals", Appl. Mech. Review 56(5), 515-552, 2003.
31. Hu, G.K., Liu, X.N. & Lu, T.J., “A variational method for nonlinear micropolar composites”, Mech. Mater. 37, 407-425, 2005.
32. Zhao KJ, Chen C, Shen YP, Lu TJ. Molecular dynamics study of nano-void growth in face-centered cubic single crystal copper. Computational Materials Science 46, 749-754, 2009.
33. 倪长也,金 峰,卢天健,李裕春,“3种点阵金属三明治板的抗侵彻性能模拟分析”,《力学学报》,42(6): 1125-1137, 2010。
34. Li, B.C., Zhao, G.P. & Lu, T.J., "A double degree freedom mass-spring-damper-foam collision model for low velocity impact," ASME J. Appl. Mech. 79(5), 051021, 2012.
35. Liu, X.R., Tian, X.G., Lu, T.J., Zhou, D.Q. & Liang, B., "Blast resistance of sandwich-walled hollow cylinders with graded metallic foam cores," Comp. Struc. 94, 2485-2493, 2012. DOI: 10.1016/j.compstruct.2012.02.029
36. Jin, M.Z., Chen, C. & Lu, T.J., ‘The mechanical behavior of porous metal fiber sintered sheets’, J. Mech. Phys. Solids 61(1), 161-174, 2013.
37. Ni, C.Y., Li, Y.C., Xin, F.X., Jin, F. & Lu, T.J., ‘Ballistic resistance of hybrid-cored sandwich plates: numerical and experimental assessment’, Composites A46, 69-79, 2013.
38. Yan, L.L., Yu, B., Han, B., Chen, C.Q., Zhang, Q.C. & Lu, T.J., "Compressive strength and energy absorption of sandwich panels with aluminum foam-filled corrugated cores," Comp. Sci. Tech. 86, 142-148, 2013.
39. 张钱诚,郝方楠,李裕春,于渤,刘剑锋,金峰,卢天健,“爆炸冲击载荷作用下车辆和人员的损伤及其防护”,《力学与实践》36(5): 527-539,2014(封面文章)。
40. Yan, L.L., Han, B., Chen, C.Q., Zhang, Q.C. & Lu, T.J., "Three-point bending of sandwich beams with aluminum foam-filled corrugated cores," Mater. Design. 60, 510-519, 2014.
41. Han, B., Xu, Y., Yu, B., Chen, C.Q., Zhang, Q.C. & Lu, T.J., "Foam filling radically enhances transverse shear response of corrugated sandwich plates," Mater. Design 77, 132-141, 2015.
42. Yu, B., Yan, L.L., Han, B., Zhang, Q.C., Chen, C.Q., Jin, F. & Lu, T.J., "Dynamic crushing of all-metallic corrugated panels filled with close-celled aluminum foams," ASME J. Appl. Mech. 82(1), 011006, 2015.
43. Han, B., Qin, K.K., Yu, B., Zhang, Q.C., Chen, C.Q. & Lu, T.J., "Design optimization of foam-reinforced corrguated sandwich beams," Comp. Struc. 130, 51-62, 2015.
44. Ni, C.Y., Hou, R., Xia, H.Y, Zhang, Q.C., Wang, W.B., Cheng, Z.H., & Lu, T.J., ‘Perforation resistance of corrugated metallic sandwich plates filled with reactive powder concrete: Experiment and simulation’, Comp. Struc. 127, 426-435, 2015.
45. Yu, B., Han, B., Su, P.B., Ni, C.Y., Zhang, Q.C. & Lu, T.J., " Graded square honeycomb as sandwich core for enhanced mechanical performance," Mater. Design 89, 642-652, 2016.
46. Han, B., Qin, K.K., Yu, B., Wang, B., Zhang, Q.C. & Lu, T.J., "Honeycomb-corrugation hybrid as a novel sandwich core for significantly enhanced compressive performance," Mater. Design 93, 271-282, 2016.
47. Chow, C.L. & Lu, T.J., 'On evolution laws of anisotropic damage', Eng. Frac. Mech. 34, 679-701, 1989.
48. Lu, T.J., Xia, Z.C. & Hutchinson, J.W., 'Delamination of beams under transverse shear and bending', Mater. Sci. Eng. A188, 102-113, 1994.
49. Lu, T.J., 'Crack branching in all-oxide ceramic composites', J. Amer. Ceram. Soc. 79, 266-274, 1996.
50. Chen, C., Lu, T.J. & Fleck, N.A., “The mode I crack growth resistance of metallic foams”, J. Mech. Phys. Solids 49, 231-259, 2001.
51. Wang, F., Huang, P. & Lu, T.J., “Surface-effect territory in small volume creep deformation”, J. Mater. Res. 24(11), 3277-3285, 2010.
52. Huang, P., Wang, F., Xu, M., Xu, K.W. & Lu, T.J., “The dependence of strain rate sensitivity upon deformed-microstructures in nanocrystalline Cu”, Acta Mater. 58(15), 5196-5205, 2010.
53. Xiong, Q.L., Tian, X.G. & Lu, T.J., “Atomistic modeling of electron relaxation effect on femtosecond laser-induced ablation and spallation of gold films”, J. Appl. Phys. 112, 024313, 2012, doi: 10.1063/1.4739256.
54. Zhou Q., Zhao J., Xie J.Y., Wang F., Huang P., Lu, T.J. & Xu, K.W., “Grain size dependent strain rate sensitivity and activation volume in nanocrystalline body-centered cubic metal thin films” Mater. Sci. Eng. A 608, 184-189, 2014.
55. Zhou, Q., Wang, F., Huang, P., Xu, K.W. & Lu, T.J., “The mechanical behavior of nanoscale metallic multilayers: a survey” (invited contribution for 60th anniversary), Acta Mech. Sinica 31(3), 319-337, 2015. (Top 10 most read articles published in 2015.)
56. Zhou, Q., Li, J.J., Wang, F., Huang, P., Xu, K.W. & Lu, T.J., “Strain rate sensitivity of Cu/Ta multilayered films: Comparison between grain boundary and heterophase interface”, Scripta Mater. 111, 123-126, 2016.
57. Cui, Y., Huang, P., Torrents Abad, O., Wang, F., Lu, T.J., Xu, K.W. & Wang J,“Plastic deformation modes of CuZr/Cu multilayers”, Scientific Reports 6, 23306, 2016.
58. Gu, C., Wang, F., Huang, P., Lu, T.J. & Xu, K.W., “Structure-dependent size effects in CuTa/Cu nanolaminates”, Mater. Sci. Eng. A658, 381-388, 2016.
59. Gu, S., Lu, T.J. & Evans, A.G., “On the design of two-dimensional cellular metals for combined heat dissipation and structural load capacity”, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 44, 2163-2175, 2001.
60. Liu, J.S. & Lu, T.J., "Multi-objective and multi-loading optimization of ultralightweight truss materials", Int. J. Solids Struc., 41, 619-635, 2004.
61. Tian, Y.S., Lu, T.J., "Optimal design of compression corrugated panels," Thin-Walled Struc. 43, 477-498, 2005.
62. Liu, T., Deng, Z.C. & Lu, T.J., “Design optimization of truss-cored sandwiches with homogenization”, Int. J. Solids Struc. 43, 2006, 7891-7918
63. Wen, T., F. Xu & Lu, T.J., “Structural optimization of two-dimensional cellular metals cooled by forced convection”, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 50, 2007, 2590-2604.
64. Liu, T., Deng, Z.C. & Lu, T.J., “Minimum weights of pressurized hollow cylinders with ultralight sandwich walls”, Int. J. Solids Struc. 44, 2007, 3231-3266.
65. Mai P.S., Fleck, N.A. & Lu, T.J., “Optimal design of box-section sandwich beams in three-point bending”, Int. J. Solids Struc. 44, 2007, 4742-4769 (Top 10 downloaded papers in IJSS).
66. Liu, T., Deng, Z.C. & Lu, T.J., “Bi-functional optimization of actively cooled, pressurized hollow sandwich cylinders with prismatic cores”, J. Mech. Phys. Solids 55(12), 2565-2602, 2007.
67. Liu, T., Deng, Z.C. & Lu, T.J., “Analytical modeling and finite element simulation of the plastic collapse of sandwich beams with pin-reinforced foam cores”, Int. J. Solids Struc., 45, 5127-5151, 2008.
68. Zhang, Q.C., Yang, X.H., Li, P., Huang, G.Y., Feng, S.S., Shen, C., Han, B., Zhang, X.H., Jin, F., Xu, F. & Lu, T.J., “Bioinspired engineering of honeycomb structure - using nature to inspire human innovation”, Prog. Mater. Sci. (IF 27.7) 74, 332-400, 2015.