游民黎 | Minli You

2017年11月-2018年11月,美国圣路易斯华盛顿大学交流,导师:Srikanth Singamaneni;
2022年12月 - 至今,西安交通大学生命科学与技术学院,副教授;
围绕重大慢性疾病精准诊断和长期监测的临床需求,针对现有医用检测设备灵敏度不足、检测时间长、集成化程度低等关键技术挑战,立足于生物医学工程,结合分析化学、机械工程、微纳技术和医学等学科领域,遵循“临床问题-技术开发-临床应用”的学术思路,系统开展了微流控体外诊断技术在医学检测领域的交叉研究:1. 研发了人工智能赋能的可设计、智能化多重体外诊断技术,实现了对新型蛋白标志物的核酸适体从头设计以及对微流控芯片的智能化多重分析;2. 研发了检测灵敏度高、定量能力强的侧流层析试纸平台,建立了纸基介质内复杂流动输运的理论模型,实现了其在重大慢病领域便携、快速定量检测的应用;3. 研发了光热超快PCR技术,实现了10分钟内完成核酸目标物的PCR扩增和光热超快PCR工程样机搭建。
1. Meng Wang, Zhe Liu, Chang Liu, Wanghong He, Dui Qin, Minli You*, DNAzyme-based ultrasensitive immunoassay: Recent advances and emerging trends. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 2024, 251, 116122.(中科院一区,Top期刊)
2. Pengpeng Jia#, Zedong Li#, Xuefeng Wang, Feng Xu, Minli You*, Shangsheng Feng*. Performance improvement of lateral flow assay using heterogeneous nitrocellulose membrane with nonuniform pore size. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 2023, 143, 106729.
3. Zhe Liu#, Chaoyu Cao#, Haoyang Tong*, Minli You*. Polydopamine Nanoparticles-Based Three-Line Lateral Flow Immunoassay for COVID-19 Detection. Biosensors 2023, 13(3), 352.
4. Chaoyu Cao, Minli You*, Haoyang Tong, Zhenrui Xue, Chang Liu, Wanghong He, Ping Peng, Chunyan Yao, Ang Li, Xiayu Xu, Feng Xu*. Similar color analysis based on deep learning (SCAD) for multiplex digital PCR via a single fluorescent channel. Lab on a Chip 2022, 22(20), 3837-3847. (中科院一区,Top期刊)
5. Haoyang Tong#, Chaoyu Cao#, Minli You*, Shuang Han, Zhe Liu, Ying Xiao, Wanghong He, Chang Liu, Ping Peng, Zhenrui Xue, Yan Gong, Chunyan Yao, Feng Xu*. Artificial intelligence-assisted colorimetric lateral flow immunoassay for sensitive and quantitative detection of COVID-19 neutralizing antibody. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 2022, 213, 114449. (ESI高被引论文,中科院一区,Top期刊)
6. Ping Peng, Chang Liu, Zedong Li, Zhenrui Xue, Ping Mao, Jie Hu, Feng Xu, Chunyan Yao*, Minli You*. Emerging ELISA derived technologies for in vitro diagnostics. Trends in Analytical Chemistry 2022, 116605. (ESI高被引论文,中科院一区,Top期刊)
7. Minli You#, Ping Peng#, Zhenrui Xue#, Haoyang Tong, Wanghong He, Ping Mao, Qi Liu, Chunyan Yao*, Feng Xu*. A fast and ultrasensitive ELISA based on rolling circle amplification. Analyst 2021, 146(9), 2871-2877.
8. Zhenrui Xue#, Minli You#, Ping Peng#, Haoyang Tong, Wanghong He, Ang Li, Ping Mao, Ting Xu, Feng Xu*, Chunyan Yao*, Taqman-MGB nanoPCR for Highly Specific Detection of Single-Base Mutations. International Journal of Nanomedicine 2021, 16, 3695.
9. Minli You, Pengpeng Jia, Xiaocong He, Zheyu Wang, Shangsheng Feng, Yulin Ren, Zedong Li, Lei Cao, Bin Gao, Chunyan Yao, Srikanth Singamaneni, Feng Xu, Quantifying and Adjusting Plasmon-Driven Nano-Localized Temperature Field around Gold Nanorods for Nucleic Acids Amplification. Small Methods 2021, 5(5), 2001254.
10. Wang, Z.; Luan, J.; Seth, A.; Liu, L.; You, M.; Gupta, P.; Rathi, P.; Wang, Y.; Cao, S.; Jiang, Q.; Zhang, X.; Gupta, R.; Zhou, Q.; Morrissey, J. J.; Scheller, E. L.; Rudra, J. S.; Singamaneni, S., Microneedle patch for the ultrasensitive quantification of protein biomarkers in interstitial fluid. Nature Biomedical Engineering 2021, 5 (1), 64-76. (中科院一区,Top期刊)
11. You, M.; Li, Z.*; Feng, S.; Gao, B.; Yao, C.; Hu, J.; Xu, F.*, Ultrafast Photonic PCR based on Photothermal Nanomaterials. Trends in Biotechnology 2020, 38 (6), 637-649. (中科院一区,Top期刊)
12. You, M.; Cao, L.*; Xu, F.*, Plasmon-Driven Ultrafast Photonic PCR. Trends in Biochemical Sciences 2020, 45 (2), 174. (中科院一区,Top期刊)
13. Li, F.#; You, M.#; Li, S.#; Hu, J.; Gong, Y.; Liu, C.; Yang, H.*; Xu, F.*, Paper-based point-of-care immunoassays: recent advances and emerging trends. Biotechnology Advances 2020, 39, 1077442. (ESI高被引论文, 中科院一区,Top期刊)
14. Liu Z., Shang C., Ma H., You M.*, An upconversion nanoparticle-based photostable FRET system for long-chain DNA sequence detection. Nanotechnology 2020, 31 (23), 235501.
15. He, W.#; You, M.#; Wan, W.; Xu, F.; Li, A.*; Li, F.*, Point-of-care periodontitis testing: biomarkers, current technologies, and perspectives. Trends in biotechnology 2018, 11 (36), 1127-1144. (Front cover,中科院一区,Top期刊)
16. You, M.; Lin, M.*; Gong, Y.; Wang, S.; Ji, L.; Zhao, H.; Ling, K.; Wen, T.; Huang, Y.; Gao, D.; Ma, Q.; Wang, T.; Ma, A.; Li, X.; Xu, F.*, Household Fluorescent Lateral Flow Strip Platform for Sensitive and Quantitative Prognosis of Heart Failure using Dual-Color Upconversion Nanoparticles. ACS Nano 2017, 11 (6), 6261-6270. (中科院一区,Top期刊)
17. You, M.; Lin, M.*; Wang, S.; Wang, X.; Zhang, G.; Hong, Y.; Dong, Y.; Jin, G.; Xu, F.*, Three-dimensional quick response code based on inkjet printing of upconversion fluorescent nanoparticles for drug anti-counterfeiting. Nanoscale 2016, 8 (19), 10096-10104. (ESI高被引论文, 中科院二区,Top期刊)
18. You, M.#; Zhong, J.#; Hong, Y.; Duan, Z.; Lin, M.*; Xu, F.*, Inkjet printing of upconversion nanoparticles for anti-counterfeit applications. Nanoscale. 2015; 7(10): 4423-31. (ESI高被引论文 , Back cove,中科院二区,Top期刊)
1. 责任心强,好学上进,勇于探索并承担富有挑战的任务,具备工匠精神和团队精神;
2. 生物、材料、化学、医学等相关学科;
3. 具备微纳制造、纳米材料制备、生物传感等研究经验者优先;
4. 有良好的沟通协调能力。