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X. Edward GUO

2015年12月05日 16:22      点击:

Prof. X. Edward GUO, Columbia University


1984: B.S., Applied Mechanics/Biomechanics, Peking University

1990: M.S., Mechanical Engineering/Medical Engineering, Harvard University

1994: Ph.D., Medical Physics/Medical Engineering, Harvard–MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology

1993-96: Post-doctoral Training in Musculoskeletal Bioengineering, University of Michigan

 Research Interests

µCT, µMRI, and HR-pQCT Image Analysis of Bone Microstructure

Novel Image Based Microstructural and FE Analyses of Osteoporosis Patients

Mechanobiology of 3D In Vitro Trabecular Bone Explants

Mechanotransduction in Osteocyte Network

Single Osteocyte Cell Mechanics

 Email: exg1@columbia.edu
