2017年8月25日下午,应中心徐峰教授邀请,韦仕敦(西安大略)大学机械工程与材料工程系教授Jun Yang来访,并在生命学院作了题为“The Next Wave of Additive Manufacturing for the Upcoming Industrial
报告中,Jun Yang老师介绍了增材制造在工业4.0时代,尤其是印刷电路和3D打印中的应用。报告的最后,Jun Yang老师与中心师生进行了热情互动,细致耐心地回答了多个问题,参加报告的师生均受益匪浅。
JunYang is Full Professor in Department of Mechanical
and Materials Engineering, and has a joint appointment with Biomedical
Engineering Program, Western University (The University of Western Ontario). He
is also the Director of WIN 4.0 (Western’s Industry 4.0 Network) at Western University. Currently
he is leading a ~20 researchers group conducting interdisciplinary research in
areas of Additive Manufacturing/3D printing, Printed Electronics,
Metamaterials, loT (Internet of Things), Flexible/Wearable Electronics,
Micro/Nanofabrication, Surface Engineering, MEMS/NEMS/BioMEMS, Lab-on-a-chip,
Sensors and Actuators.