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2013-04-09 14:11:20      点击:


鉴于国内众多作者的英文论文常因语言问题被期刊拒绝,本讲座将根据报告人在国外多年的写作、审稿经验(报告人担任ASME JBME杂志副主编以及多种国际期刊审稿人),系统讲解英文科技论文的写作技巧(文章构思、章节构架、语言描述、常见问题等)以及投稿注意事项。此外,报告人将现场点评几篇与会者学术文章,指出国内英文学术文章最常见的错误!


报告交流时间:201349日(周二)上午 8:30-11:30




Mechanical instability and tortuosity of arteries

The mechanical stability of blood vessels is important for maintaining normal blood flow and vascular function. While it is well known that blood vessels collapse under external pressure, blood vessels are commonly considered to be stable under internal pressure. However, our recent studies showed that increased lumen pressure and reduced axial tension can lead to instability of blood vessels. The theoretical models and experimental results will be presented in this talk. We propose that mechanical buckling could be a possible mechanism in the development of tortuous blood vessels which is associated with aging, hypertension and degenerative diseases in many patients.

报告交流时间:201349日(周二)下午 3:00




Dr. Han is a Professor of Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering at the University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA). He received his Ph.D. degree in Solid Mechanics/Biomechanics in 1991 from Xi’an Jiaotong University in China with joint training from the University of California at San Diego under the tutelage of Professor YC Fung. Dr. Han was an Associate Professor at Xi’an Jiaotong University and a Research Engineer II at Georgia Institute of Technology before joining UTSA in 2003.

Dr. Han’s research interests are in the area of cardiovascular biomechanics. His research has been supported by the State of Texas, AHA, NSF, NIH and he is a recipient of a CAREER award from NSF. He has published over 70 peer-reviewed journal papers. He is a Fellow of American Heart Association (AHA), Fellow of American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE), and an Associate Editor of the ASME Journal of Biomechanical Engineering.