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2017-05-02 15:39:08      点击:

        2017421日下午,应西安交通大学生命学院徐峰老师和李菲老师的邀请,加拿大西安大略大学丁志峰教授在生命学院作了题为“Physiology andpathology of single live human bladder cancer cells stimulated with heavy metalions的学术报告。报告会在生命学院308会议室举行,由李菲老师主持,生命学院和来自陕西师范大学的师生聆听了报告。



Dr. Zhifeng Ding isa full professor of chemistry at the University of Western Ontario, London,Ontario Province, Canada. He received his B.Sc. degree in chemistry with thehighest honor at Southeast University, M.Sc. in coordination chemistry underthe supervision of Prof. Xiaozeng You at Nanjing University and earned hisPh.D. in physical and analytical electrochemistry in the Girault group at SwissFederal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL). After 3 years postdoctoralresearch in Allen J. Bard’s Lab at The University of Texas at Austin, he movedto his present Canadian university as faculty member. His research focuses onscanning electrochemical microscopy, ionic liquids as novel electrolytes,electrochemiluminescence and solar cells. He has published more than 130papers, filed more than 4 US patents and received several awards including mostrecently: Premier’s Research Excellence Award 2003; Western ScienceDistinguished Research Professor 2014-2015; Western University Faculty Scholar2015-2016; 2017 Canadian Society for Chemistry W.A.E. McBryde Medal for hissignificant achievement in analytical chemistry.