2017年5月2日上午,应中心徐峰教授邀请,德州大学机械工程与生物工程系助理教授Zhenpeng Qin来访,并在生命学院作了题为“Optically-triggered Compound Ultrafast Releaseto Study Real-time Brain Activity”的学术报告。报告会在生命学院308会议室举行,仿生工程与生物力学的师生聆听了报告。
报告中,Zhenpeng Qin老师介绍了一种基于光引发快速释放化合物的技术及其在大脑活动实时监测中的应用。该研究在神经元和神经网络尺度下了解大脑活动中有着重要的潜在应用。报告的最后,Zhenpeng Qin老师与中心师生进行了热情互动,细致耐心地回答了多个问题,参加报告的师生均受益匪浅。
ZhenpengQin is an assistant professor of Mechanical Engineering at The University of Texas at Dallas, with joint appointments in Bioengineering and Surgery (UTSouthwestern Medical Center). He received his PhD and post-doctoral training inthe Departments of Mechanical Engineering and Chemical Engineering,respectively, both at the University of Minnesota (2009 – 2014). Prior toMinnesota, he obtained a BS in Thermal and Power Engineering from Xi’anJiaotong University (2007) and a MS in Mechanical Engineering from Universityof Akron (2009). His research interests center on the fundamental understandingof the nano-thermo-bio interface between nanoparticles and biomolecules(proteins and lipids) and applications of this knowledge to diagnose infectiousdisease diagnostics and understand the brain. He received external funding fromthe National Science Foundation (NSF), Cancer Prevention and Research Instituteof Texas (CPRIT), UT seed grants, and non-profit organizations.