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Professor Weihua Huang fro
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Congratulations to Fei Li,
Professor Youjun Yang from
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    XJTU Bioinspired Engineering and Biomechanics Center aims at advancing human health through academic excellence in education and research that integrates engineering, science biology and medicine. We educate outstanding minds, cultivate leaders, create knowledge, and generate cost-effective preventative, diagnostic, and therapeutic innovations. Conversely, it brings clinical insight from the patient’s bedside to the laboratory bench. In this way, our students are trained to carry their engineering and scientific expertise from the laboratory bench to the patient’s bedside and to bring clinical insights from the patient’s bedside to the laboratory bench; to have deep understanding of engineering, physical sciences, and the biological sciences, complemented with hands-on experience in the clinic or in industry; and they become conversant with the underlying quantitative and molecular aspects of medicine and biomedical science.