5. 皮肤热力学与皮肤热疼痛
科学出版社,2015(in press)
4. 牙齿的热-力-电生理耦合行为
科学出版社,2015(ISBN: 978-7-03-043347-3)
3. Thermo-Fluid Behaviour of Periodic Cellular Metals
T.J. Lu, F. Xu, T. Wen
Science Press, China, 2012 (ISBN: 978-7-03-034814-2 )
2. 周期性多孔金属材料的热流性能
科学出版社,2010 (ISBN: 978-7-03-024074-3)

F. Xu, T.J. Lu
Springer/Science Press, 2010 (ISBN: 978-3-642-13201-8)
Book Chapters
12. B.Q. Li, Y.F. Cheng, F. Xu, L. Wang, D.Q. Wei, D.C. Jia, Y.J. Feng, Y. Zhou, Biosensor based on chitosan nanocomposite, in Advanced Bioelectronic Materials, Wiley Press, 2015
11. Y.L. Han, G.Y. Huang, L. Wang, F. Li, X.X. Fan, P.F. Wang, T.J. Lu#, F. Xu#, High-throughput imaging methodologies for biomechanical testing, in Handbook of Imaging in Biological Mechanics, CRC Press, 2014
10. M. Lin, B.F. Bai, G. Genin, T.J. Lu#, F. Xu#, Modeling thermal behavior and thermal pain sensation in biological tissues, Transport in Biological Media, Chapter 2, Elsevier, 2013, ISBN: B978-0-12-415824-5.00002-3
9. Z.Y. Luo, F. Xu, B.F. Bai, T.J. Lu, Anti-body based bioparticle capture using microfluidics for global health, in Microfluidic Applications for Human Health (Edited by U. Demirci, B. Langer, A. Khademhosseini, J. Blander), World Scientific Publishing Company, 2012, ISBN-10: 9814405515
8. Y.L. Han, L.H. Zhou, S.Q. Wang, J.H. Wu, Z.F. Duan, T.J. Lu#, F. Xu#, Advances in chondrosarcoma treatment: engineering in vitro three-dimensional models, Sarcoma: Symptoms, Causes and Treatments, Nova Science Publishers, 2011
7. H.L. Wei, S.Q. Wang, T.J. Lu, F. Xu#, Burn injury associated infection: sepsis, Burns: Prevention, Causes and Treatment, Nova Science Publishers, 2011
6. S.Q. Wang*, F. Xu*, U. Demirci, Emerging microscale technologies for global health: CD4 counts, in Bionanotechnology II: Global Prospects (Edited by David E. Reisner), CRC Press, 2010
5. S.Q. Wang, F. Xu, A.C.F. Ip, S. Mrudula, X.H. Zhao, A. Akay, U. Demirci, Surface chemistry for cell capture in microfluidic systems, in Integrated Microsystems and Nanotechnology: MEMs, Photonic and Biological Interfaces (Edited by Kris Iniewski), Taylor & Francis 2010
4. S.Q. Wang#, P. Doshi, H.L. Wei, R. Segan, T.J. Lu, F. Xu#, Global Health: Dengue/Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever, in Distributed Diagnosis & Home in Healthcare (D2H2) – Vol.3 (Edited by E.Y.K. Ng, R. Acharya and T. Tamura), American Scientific Publishers, 2010
3. S.Q. Wang, H.L. Wei, X.H. Zhao, A.H. Yuan, T.J. Lu, Y.Q. Hu, J.H. Wu#, F. Xu#, Rapid tests for the point of care: a case of HIV-1, in Distributed Diagnosis & Home in Healthcare (D2H2) – Vol.3 (Edited by E.Y.K. Ng, R. Acharya and T. Tamura), American Scientific Publishers, 2010
2. F. Xu, T.J. Lu, E.Y.K. Ng, Non-Fourier thermal behaviour of skin tissue and its role in skin thermal pain sensation, in Skin Anatomy and Physiology Research Developments (Edited by Leon F. Bukowsky), Nova Science Publishers, 2009, pp 25-54 (ISBN: 978-1-60741-582-4)
1. E.Y.K. Ng, E.H. Ooi, F. Xu, T.J. Lu and A.L.Y. Cheng, Study of temperature distribution within heated skin tissue using the boundary element method, in Skin Anatomy and Physiology Research Developments (Edited by Leon F. Bukowsky), Nova Science Publishers, 2009, pp 213-234 (ISBN: 978-1-60741-582-4)