On Feb. 26, 2019, Huaibin Qing took his Ph.D. oral defense in the seminar room 416 in School of Life Science and Technology. His Ph.D. thesis is entitled “Preparation of Graphene Macroscopic Materials and Its Application in Engineering Neural Cell Microenvironment”. The defense committee includes five professors: Professor junmin Qian (Xi’an Jiao Tong University), Professer dagang (Guo Xi’an Jiao Tong University), xiaohui Zhang (Xi’an Jiao Tong University) , Professer chenghui Liu (Shaanxi Normal University) and Professer yongmei chen (Shanxi University of Science & Technology). And all of them attended the oral defense. During the defense, Huaibin Qing presented his works in terms of project background, focus-point, conclusion and outlook, findings and acknowledgements. In the end , the committee agreed to grant Huaibin Qing with the doctoral degree.

Huaibin Qing & Defence Committee
Dr. Huaibin Qing joined BEBC in Sep. 2014, his Ph.D. advisors are Prof. Tianjian Lu and Prof. Feng Xu. As a Ph.D. student, his research work focused on “ Preparation of Graphene Macroscopic Materials and Its Application in Engineering Neural Cell Microenvironment”. His research work involved several subjects, including materials science, mechanics, biomedicine engineering and so on, which could be regarded as an excellent job.
During the doctoral period, Huaibin Qing published one paper( first author )in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (IF=8.097) , one paper( second author) in NPG Asia Materials (IF=7.208) and also one (second author) in Materials Science & Engineering R-Reports (IF = 24.480).
Dr. Huaibin Qing is a diligent one with great enthusiasm among scientific exploration. He’s set a good example for younger students. Look forward to more preeminent studies from him in his future research career.