On May 22, 2019, Zhao Guoxu took his Ph.D. oral defense in the seminar room 301 in School of Life Science and Technology. His Ph.D. thesis is entitled “Silk Fibroin-Based Conductive Nanofibrous Scaffolds for Regeneration of Cardiac Tissues”. The defense committee includes seven professors. Professor Lu Tingli is from Northwestern Polytechnical University. Professor Wang Xiuli is from Dalian Medical University.ProfessorXu Feng, Professor He Jiankang, Professor Guo Baolin, Professor Lu Xiaoyun, Professor Gao Dengfeng are from Xi’an Jiao Tong University. Professer He Junmin is from Shaanxi Normal University. Professer Lu Tingli is from Northwestern Polytechnical University. And all of them attended the oral defense. During the defense, Zhao presented his works in terms of project background and strategy, research contents, conclusion and outlook, and acknowledgements. In the end , the committee agreed to grant Zhao Guoxu with the doctoral degree.
Dr. Zhao joined BEBC in Sept. 2013, his Ph.D. advisor is Prof. Zhang Xiaohui. During the Ph.D. study, his research works were about the fabrication of conductive electrospun silk scaffolds and their application for cardiac tissue engineering applications, which could be regarded as a very excellent job. As the first author, he has published three peer reviewed scientific journal papers.

Dr. Zhao is a very good student in our center and sets a good example for younger students. He will continue his research in our center as a faculty. Looking forward to more preeminent studies from him in the future.