On Mar. 3, 2019, Minli You took his Ph.D. oral defense in the seminar room 416 in School of Life Science and Technology. His Ph.D. thesis is entitled “Enhanced Upconversion Fluorescent Nanomaterials: Synthesis and Application in Biomedical Security and in Vitro Diagnosis”. The defense committee includes five professors. Professor Jianjun Li, Professer Xiaolong Sun and associate Professer Min Lin are from Xi’an Jiao Tong University. Professer Chenghui Liu is from Shaanxi Normal University. Professer Tingli Lu is from Northwestern Polytechnical University. And all of them attended the oral defense. During the defense, Minli You presented his works in terms of project background, focus-point, conclusion and outlook, findings and acknowledgements. In the end, the committee agreed to grant Minli You with the doctoral degree.
Dr.Minli You joined BEBC in Sep. 2013, his Ph.D. advisor is Prof. Feng Xu. During the Ph.D. study, his main research works was about synthesis and biomedical applications of upconversion nanoparticles. As the first author, he has published four high-quality papers, among which 2 papers published on IF>10 journal, 1 paper was selected as ESI highly cited paper and 2 papers were selected as cover articles.
Dr. Minli You is a very good student in our center and sets a good example for younger students. He will continue his research in our center as a faculty. Looking forward to more preeminent studies from him in the future.