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Congratulations to Ruihua Tang for her research paper published in Lab on a Chip

2017/05/24      view:

Recently, Ph.D. student Ruihua Tang from BEBC has published his first author research paper in Lab on a chip entitled " A Fully Disposable and Integrated Paper-based Device for Nucleic Acid Extraction, Amplification and Detection".


To overcome the challenge of paper-based sample-to answer detection, this paper developed a fully disposable and integrated paper-based sample-in-answer-out device for NAT by integrating nucleic acid extraction, helicase-dependent isothermal amplification and lateral flow assay detection into one paper device. This simple device allows on-chip dried reagent storage and equipment-free nucleic acid amplification with simple operation steps, which could be performed by untrained users in remote settings. The proposed device consists of sponge-based reservoir and paper-based valve for nucleic acid extraction, integrated battery, PTC ultrathin heater, temperature control switch and on-chip dried enzyme mix storage for isothermal amplification, and lateral flow test strip for naked-eye detection. It can sensitively detect Salmonella typhimurium, as a model target, with a detection limit of as low as 102 CFU/ml in wastewater and egg, and 103 CFU/ml in milk and juice in about an hour. This fully disposable and integrated paper-based device holds great potential for future POC applications in resource-limited settings.


The work is under the guidance of Feng Xu Professor. The co-authors of the paper include Yan Gong, MinLi You, Zhi Liu, Jane Ru Choi, Ting Wen, Zhiguo Qu, Hui Yang, Qibing Mei, Feng Xu.

Links: http://pubs.rsc.org/-/content/articlehtml/2017/lc/c6lc01586g