On January 23th, XJTU News released a report entitled "BEBC published review paper on Advanced Functional Mateials". The review paper, "Recent Advances in Pen-Based Writing Electronics and their Emerging Application", was chosen as the cover story (Journal Cover) and published online (IF 11.8). This work was accomplished by a doctoral candidate Zedong Li under the supervision of Professor Fei Li and Professor Feng Xu. This work was financially supported by the International Science & Technology Cooperation Program of China, the Key Program for International S&T Cooperation Projects of Shaanxi, etc..
Abstract: The emerging demand for cost-effective, easily accessible, and rapid prototyping electronics fabrication calls for novel techniques to design and manufacture electronic components and devices for wearable functional sensing, on-skin medical monitoring, and body-worn energy conversion. In this paper, inspired by daily hand-writing, innovative and ubiquitously available pens can be employed to write conductive patterns on multiple substrates; such as low-cost, fast, and user-friendly direct writing paradigm has recently aroused remarkable research interest as a promising electronics prototyping strategy. In this review, state-of art advances in techniques for direct writing of electronics are presented, and pros and cons of each fabrication route are discussed. Emerging applications of pen-based writing electronics are also summarized. Based on these, final conclusions, limitations and challenges, as well as ongoing perspectives are illustrated.
Congratulations to Dr. Zedong Li! Look forward to more high impact work from BEBC!
XJTU News link: http://news.xjtu.edu.cn/info/1004/61655.htm
Paper link: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/adfm.201503405/full#adfm201503405-sec-0150