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Prof. Sulin Zhang come to vist BEBC

2014/07/15      view:

On July 15, Prof. Sulin Zhang from The Pennsylvania State University visited BEBC. Prof. Xiaohui Zhang and all the BEBCers welcomed him and showed him around the laboratory. Then Prof. Sulin Zhang delivered a lecture entitled "Biomechanics in Nanoparticle-Enabled Cell-Specific Targeting", hoping to promote relevant cooperation with BEBC.


CV of Prof. Sulin Zhang

2002  Ph.D.  Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, University of Illinois-Urbana (UIUC)
Thesis: “Surface microstructural effects on the interfacial fracture energy of
aluminum/polymer interfaces”
(Thesis advisor: Prof. K. Jimmy Hsia)
1997  M.S.  Engineering Mechanics, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
Thesis: “Statistical strength of brittle materials with randomly distributed
(Thesis advisor: Prof. Wei Yang, Tsinghua University, China)
1994  B.S.  Engineering Mechanics, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, China
B.S.  Computer Science (minor), Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, China
•  Mechanics at nano-bio interfaces, soft matters, nanostructured and biologically inspired
materials, energy materials
•  Multiscale modeling across different length and time scales
•  Experimental cellular and biomechanics
•  Imaging techniques for crystals and living cells
2011, ICS Fellow, PSU
2011, Rustum and Della Roy Innovation in Materials Research Award, PSU
2007, NSF Faculty Early Career Development Award
2006, Oak Ridge Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Award
NSF International Travel Fellowships: 2010 (South Korea); 2009 (China); 2007 (China)
NSF Travel Fellowships: 2009 (UIUC); 2008 (GIT), 2007 (UIUC), 2004 (Northwestern)
2002, The Arthur Newell Talbot Graduate Award, UIUC