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Hui Ren

2015/12/16      view:

Hui Ren

Research Assistant of 1st affiliated hospital of Xi’an Jiaotong University(XJTU). She was a member of AACR. She received her Bachelor's degree in both Medicine and Business Administration from XJTU in 2007. She received her Ph.D. in Medicine from XJTU in 2013. 2010-2012, Dr. Ren studyed as a visiting student in Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University in US. During that time, she focused on the research of PI3K/mToR/AKT pathway for cancer therapy. She obtained a youth grant from National Nature Science Foundation China in 2013. She was invited for AACR and DDTWC international conference in US in 2013 and 2013. She has published 10 journal papers. Four first-author SCI papers were published in high impact journals (Mol Cancer.,Cancer Lett., Cancer Pre. Res.), with a total impact factor 18.5. Here at BEBC, I am interested in Point-ofCare technology for some infection diseases and cancers.

E-mail: jessie.renhui@gmail.com