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BEBC members participated World Congress of Biomechanics

2018/08/02      view:

During 8 – 12 July 2018, the 2018 World Congress of Biomechanics was held in the Convention Centre Dublin, Ireland. The World Congress of Biomechanics is held once every 4 years and is the premier meeting worldwide in its field. Many of the main international biomechanics societies will fold their 2018 annual meetings into the 2018 World Congress. 

Group Photo

The field of biomechanics sits at the interface of engineering and medicine and research in the field has revolutionized medicine, particularly in the area of medical devices. Ireland’s medical technology sector has evolved into one of the leading clusters globally. 18 of the world’s top 25 medical technology companies have a base in Ireland and 50% of the 400 medtech companies based here are indigenous. Ireland is therefore the ideal location for a congress that aims to enhance links between the clinical and academic research community and industry in the medical technology sector.

5 researchers from our center BEBC took part in this conference, including Dr. Guoyou Huang, Dr. Han Liu, Ph.D students Meng Wang and Jing Li, master student Yuanbo Jia. At the conference, Dr. Huang gave an oral report entitled Fibrotic Mechanobiology and Its Therapeutic Implication in Cardiovascular Disease about his recent work related in cardiac fibrosis. Dr. Liu and Meng Wang showed their research works on “plant trichome and their biomimetic applications” and “migration of cancer cell” respectively. Worthwhile, Ph.D. student Jing Li got her “World Council of Biomechanics Student Bursary Awards: Asia/Pacific, Africa, Central and South America”(15 in total) with 1,000. And this award also demonstrated how our study works had been valued by peer researchers.

Dr. Huang was delivering his oral report

Dr. Liu and her poster

Ph.D. student Wang and his poster

Look forward to more opportunities for BEBCers to communicate with worldwide colleagues, and wish them more influential achievements!